Felix Malnig, born in Nürnberg in 1967, raised in Canada, Germany and Austria. Currently lives and works in Vienna. He studied fine arts at the "Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst" (University of applied arts) in Vienna under Maria Lassnig and Christian Ludwig Attersee and graduated in 1992. In addition he studied architecture at the Technical University in Vienna for two years.
Art awards: Anerkennungspreis des Landes Niederösterreich (1993), Erwin Ringel-Kunstpreis (1999), Arbeitsstipendium der Stadt Wien (1999), Förderungspreis der Stadt Wien (2000), Strabag Art Award, Anerkennungspreis (2008).
Stipends/ Artist-in-residence programs: Research stipend in Venice, Italy (Accademia di Belle Arti, 1993). Artist in Residence- programs in Budapest, Hungary (2000), in Cheng Du, China (2003), in Chicago, USA (exchange program in cooperation with Lower Austria, 2007) and in Paliano, Italy (2011), Örnsköldsvik, Sweden (2025). Studio grant, Vienna (2006-2012).
His work can be found in public art collections and museums throughout Austria, such as the Art Collection of the Austrian Government, the Landesammlungen Niederoesterreich, St.Poelten, the Art Collection of the City of Vienna, the Museum Arbeitswelt Steyr, the Artothek Krems, the Strabag Kunstforum, the Landessammlung Burgenland, the Siemens Art Collection, the Bank Austria Art Collection and the Ursula Blickle Video Archiv.
Publications: Felix Malnig (catalog), 1999, Felix Malnig (catalog), 2007, Felix Malnig (catalog), 2017